Today is Sunday, 5th May 2024



ALEXANDRIA, VA – David Boutin of New Hampshire (16th Senate District) and K.L. Brown of Alabama (40th House District) continue the trend of Republican wins in special elections with their victories tonight. Republicans have now won 47 state legislative special elections across the country since November 2008 – gaining 11 seats previously held by Democrats during this time. Boutin and Brown both ran as conservative Republicans dedicated to lower taxes, less spending, and smaller government. The Republican State Leadership Committee, the nation’s largest caucus of Republican state leaders, applauded Boutin and Brown for their well-run campaigns focusing on commonsense, conservative solutions.

“Tonight’s wins are a continuation of the momentum for Republican candidates and the commonsense, conservative solutions they bring to state legislatures across the country,” said Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) President Scott Ward. “We are thrilled to have David Boutin and K.L. Brown join the ranks of Republicans fighting for limited government and smaller taxes in their states. On the heels of Republican gains made in the New York Assembly last week, leaders of both parties are surely taking notice.”

The RSLC has implemented a new media strategy focusing on the special elections in state legislatures across the country to heighten the awareness of the importance of winning these seats as well as TV ads and other financial and strategic support in races across the country. In addition to Boutin’s and Brown’s successes tonight, Republicans have won other special elections for the state legislature since November 2008 from New Hampshire to Washington State and in every region of country.

The Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) is the only national organization whose mission is electing Republicans to the office of Attorney General, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State and state legislator. The RSLC is the largest caucus of Republican state leaders in the country – making a national impact one state at a time.

During the 2008 and 2009 elections, the RSLC helped maintain the number of Republican Attorneys General and Lieutenant Governors across the U.S. In addition, the RSLC was able to deliver new Republican majorities in the Montana, Oklahoma and Tennessee state senates, as well as an unprecedented majority in the Tennessee House of Representatives and defeat of eight Democratic incumbents in Virginia.

The RSLC has over 80,000 donors from all 50 states supporting the RSLC’s goals to pursue a pro-growth agenda, including reforming the tax code, healthcare and legal systems; promoting a better educational system; encouraging sound energy initiatives; and advocating public safety through tough, crime-fighting policies.

1 Comment

  1. Comments  NH   |  Wednesday, 17 February 2010 at 3:26 am

    And the best thing is the voters in NH rejected the lying and underhanded tactics of the despicable Chair of the NHDP, Raymond Buckley. (Look it up)

    With 63 new taxes imposed on us since the anti-Bush sweep in 2006 when good Republicans in NH were punished and thus were the taxpayers.

    We now have a legislature that is controlled by the far left wing nut spenders and their San Fransicko agenda..

    We’ll have a lotta repealin’ to do!

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