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Archive for June, 2011

RSLC in the News: GOP will gain Congressional seats in redistricting

RSLC President Chris Jankowski was recently interviewed about the redistricting process underway across the country. Check out ABC News for the story:

“They tend to blend political and legal when it suits them,” said Christopher Jankowski, president and chief executive of the Republican State Leadership Committee. “Yes, Republicans will do what they can politically to help themselves but to the extent that it’s legal. “To me, it’s intriguing that Democrats are so aggressive in Illinois and doing the same thing that they’re complaining about in Texas. What they’re doing in Illinois … they forfeited their higher ground.”

Republican were initially considered to have a strong upper hand over Democrats in the redistricting process, which takes place every decade, after the Census numbers are released. Republicans took over at least 19 Democratically controlled state legislatures in November and gained more than 650 seats, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

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Redistricting: New Indiana Map Bolsters Republican Prospects

From CBSNews:

Six states have finished congressional redistricting to date, and it’s becoming clear that redistricting, as expected, is going to have an impact on House competitiveness next year and have set up a few interesting battlegrounds, as well as some surprises.

Looking first at the states finalizing the process in the last month, Indiana generated the most substantial impact to the complexion of the next Congress. Indiana (awarded nine congressional districts) and Missouri (with eight, having lost one seat) are the largest states to finalize the construction of new districts.

Controlled by a Republican governor and legislature, Indiana’s new map bolstered Republican prospects. For starters, Democrat Joe Donnelly, who narrowly avoided defeat in 2010, gained solidly Republican voters from Elkhart while losing democratic strongholds in Lapodte County. Overall, it is estimated the new 2nd district is five percent more favorable for Republicans. Perhaps consequently, Donnelly decided to run for the Senate, where Republican Richard Lugar faces a serious primary challenge. As for the 2nd district, Republican Jackie Walorski would be favored to win the seat next November.

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